"A milestone in audiovisual preservation: the Library of Congress has recognized FFV1/MKV as a "Preferred Format""
Étiquette : file_formats
"The Open Preservation Foundation has published a new resource that enables users to compare accepted and preferred file formats at a high level across different types of cultural and scientific institutions across the world. Created by members at the National Archives of Estonia, and the National Archives of Denmark, the comparison of recommended file formats aims to inspire organisations that are getting started with, or are renewing their file format policy. It is not intended to be used alone as a policy. The current data was submitted by OPF member organisations or gathered from institutions that have published their policies openly online."
"One of the most exciting (or is that offputting?) things about digital preservation is that things don’t stay still – new formats and software are appearing all the time. The sheer variety of formats out there and which are continuing to be developed can make the task of “keeping up” with technological advances seem overwhelming. There’s a massive temptation to leave the problem to someone else – either the provider of your preservation software or maybe to your successors."