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Étiquette : sciences_citoyennes
La science citoyenne est un mode de recherche en pleine expansion. Elle consiste à faire participer le citoyen à un projet de recherche. Dans son rapport « Participation collaborative comme mode de production des savoirs », la Fondation Sciences Citoyennes présente la recherche participative comme un moyen d’engager la science sur des problématiques sociétales.
Interestingly, paintings can be 'retired' from the Tagger once enough data has been gathered
the inherent reward of participating in the activity was a bigger motivator than competitiveness,
definitions of crowdsourcing in cultural heritage: 'a form of engagement that contributes towards a shared, significant goal or research question by asking the public to undertake tasks that cannot be done automatically' or 'productive public engagement with the mission and work of memory institutions'.
it has to produce results of value to the research community in less time than could have been done by other means
built a focused 'talk' tool which can programmatically filter out the most interesting unanswered comments and email them to their 30 or 40 expert users
full text transcriptions (difficult to automatically reconcile) vs 'rich metadata'
in some projects, interactions with a central authority are valued, in others, community interactions are really important.
The potential and dangers of 'gamification' and 'badgeification' and their potentially negative impact on motivation were raised
have you met participants in real life?' - answer, yes, and it was an opportunity to learn from them