Florian Delabie

Why Microsoft Information Governance initiatives MUST go beyond risk management?


Industries such as financial services, oil and gas, …

  • Industries such as financial services, oil and gas, nuclear energy, life sciences, healthcare, and the public sector are subject to specific laws or regulations dictating the long-term retention of specific information types — but a single compliance-driven thinking doesn’t help protect less-regulated information within the same organisation. A single compliance-driven approach also does not resonate with every enterprise user beyond the compliance teams, leaving such programmes with a narrow business case resulting in poor user adoption and very little change in behaviours to manage information effectively to deliver value.
    • Don't kick the can down the road!

    • Companies must adopt a mindset that compliance-driven governance is a minimum threshold instead of the entire scope.

    • Long term Information Governance risks and benefits are real — act Today even if IT landscape isn't Perfect

    • Actively plan for long-term retention of data that holds corporate memory and plan to automatically dispose the information beyond its legitimate purpose
